Last night I wasn't sure I was going to make it to church today. There was snow to consider, I was very tired, and I wasn't really feeling like going to church and being social. I decided that if I woke up in time, I would go. Having gone to bed at two, I woke up at 3:30, 4:something, 6:30, 7:50, 8:30, and 9. This was enough of an answer to me, so I got up and made it to church about fifteen minutes late.
The worship was truly amazing. I only caught the second half of it, but I was completely drawn into the movement of the spirit. Everyone was singing with all of their hearts, some standing, some sitting, others dancing. I cried and cried with joy. Oddly enough, after worship, during the meet-and-greet time, I felt as if I was invisible. I couldn't get anyone's attention for an introduction or a greeting, so after some awkward wandering about and a few attempted hellos, I just returned to where I had been sitting. Then one of the pastors, who has known me for years, came up, said hello, and asked if I was with the woman sitting two seats down making some adjustments to her child's clothing. I was truly puzzled. How can a group of people that seemed so unified a few minutes before feel so foriegn and strange? Even so, I was glad that I went. We worship because God tells us to, and because we were made to do so. I believe that the worshipers are truly the beneficiaries, however.
The worship was truly amazing. I only caught the second half of it, but I was completely drawn into the movement of the spirit. Everyone was singing with all of their hearts, some standing, some sitting, others dancing. I cried and cried with joy. Oddly enough, after worship, during the meet-and-greet time, I felt as if I was invisible. I couldn't get anyone's attention for an introduction or a greeting, so after some awkward wandering about and a few attempted hellos, I just returned to where I had been sitting. Then one of the pastors, who has known me for years, came up, said hello, and asked if I was with the woman sitting two seats down making some adjustments to her child's clothing. I was truly puzzled. How can a group of people that seemed so unified a few minutes before feel so foriegn and strange? Even so, I was glad that I went. We worship because God tells us to, and because we were made to do so. I believe that the worshipers are truly the beneficiaries, however.